Ryder and I have been sick so I haven’t been doing website work this past week. Recovering and will be back to posting soon
- team smitty
I have passed my 3rd year of photographing ‘Amish Country’ which at the beginning was planned on being my first zine… then one year passed and another while releasing other zines… and the reasoning is because I know there is more, I know I can continue and photograph, explore this project.
I decided I am going to release ‘issues’ of zines for this project. No idea on how many… When I will release them and no idea when I will stop… when I find the photograph that describes everything I am looking for in one frame is when I will end this journey.
As my world turns, the heart beats. Not only in my chest, but the heart in the streets.
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I was commissioned by a salon which led me to these woods. Carrying gear while eating a cupcake, I seen this leaning tree and asked Kyle to climb up it.. somehow while positioning himself ended up in this awkward position (I am currently sitting at a coffee shop while posting this, a couple I know just approached me and just made small talk.. possible shoot soon. Also, this place has stuff pizza pretzels which are mighty tasty) and that awkwardness is what makes the photo. I’ve always believed in letting things happen and adjusting and tweaking from that point, if I can.
click HERE ‘LIKE’ my Facebook Page
instagram @bsmittydotcom
i find myself here often
i wander
i wonder
i want you to jump from the train
i knew there had to be a meaning behind the madness
you agree?
stopped in my friends salon (sadie scissorhands) and she had me randomly photograph her and her staff.
this is sadie.
ah, the creative process.
things are looking up, still taking deep breaths and embracing this new year. patiently, PATIENTLY waiting for the sun to arrive in ohio.. day light savings needs to happen.
with a new work flow and motivation, i will soon be announcing new print work available, and importantly more posts to this blog.. im professional when it comes to hoarding photographs and i have taken the long overdue steps to make my process how it should be.
and i am still terrible at grammar, and always will be.