You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I’m yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you’re on your own. Do you understand?
Photographer - bsmitty
Video camera operator - Dagmar smith
- Sadie Glemza
- Arie miller
- cyndi mohr
- Kyle Scarbrough
- Justine Correll
- Carl mohr
- Leigha carver
Music - Bsmitty
Editor - Bsmitty
Location - Ohio
For Sadie Scissorhands salon
Let’s say for the moment this Blatch does exist. You think he’d just fall to his knees and cry- Yes, I did it, I confess! Oh, and by the way, add a life term to my sentence.
The Stereo Audio/Video Cable that is included with the Nintendo 64 will allow you to connect the Control Deck to most televisions or video cassette recorders (VCR). First, look at the back of your television AND your VCR and see if you have Audio/Video inputs . Though your TV may not have them, almost all VCRs do.
8 painful months, time now goes by very fast.
The trees and snowmen are done for the year. I’ve been waiting for thirteen and I’m looking forward to that fresh cup of coffee.
Instagram Blog: Thank you, and we're listening
follow me on instagram @bsmittydotcomYesterday we introduced a new version of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service that will take effect in thirty days. These two documents help communicate as clearly as possible our relationship with the users of Instagram so you understand how your data will be used, and the rules that govern…
I’m going to mix these two drinks together, and by doing that I will be creating the most fantastic beverage.
I found myself in this situation that I’m struggling to get out of. Capturing the reality of it is medication