Cathedral of the pines

A major player in my "motivation room" is Gregory Crewdson. I'm not entirely sure how I learned of this photographer but I know it was a few years after his book beneath the roses was released, but I do believe it was the documentary that I seen first.  

The documentary was a early motivator for me learning that photography can be taken to a new world. At the time I seen this I was fully submersed in skateboard photography. Many years since, it was a couple weeks ago, I was wanting to watch something to get me going and I thought of searching Gregory Crewdson on YouTube. Again, around 6 or 7 years later that same photographer gave me the same feelings of creative freedom as before. The timing of this video I found was pretty coincidental since it has been recently uploaded and SHOCKINGLY has less than 400 views at the time of this writing. The video I found was a interview where he talks about his latest book, released late 2015.  

I immediately ordered the book, and I have a decent photography book collection and his work is one of few that I just stare at a photo and gives me raw feelings.

This book "Cathedral Of The Pines" gave me the green light to dive deep with photographing. 


The motivation room


Wooded area