The Shadowgraph

I’m excited to announce the revival of the shadowgraph - it was launched at the beginning of covid, and really once the state mandates and lockdown situation happened… the steam went out on it, I also think I was overthinking on the actions needed for the Shadowgraph.

so, what is the Shadowgraph?

it is “photographic case studies” which is essentially storytelling, and when I just mentioned that I was overthinking at the time and to be honest when I look back… using the lockdown or covid was probably just a excuse without realizing at the time.

the stories don’t need to be big, and maybe should not be big.. but will be a path to something greater. It’s about getting out, making photographs and just tell stories photographically.

making books is the goal. But each individual story doesn’t have to be a process of a book on that exact story.

Follow the Shadowgraph on Instagram


Photo days concluded - now it’s time for editing
