new social layout and additional workflow

skateboard and shoes bsmitty.jpg

I’ve been wanting to add something to my square template style layouts for a while now, if you scroll through my instagram, you’ll find some attempts at ideas, but I wasn’t really into them. I decided to take a different approach, a signature with the logo, so I busted out my Wacom tablet….. and spent 45 minutes getting this signature right… this was after telling myself I need to be more efficient. I do think that was time well spent though, since I plan to have this be the new look.. instead of just black bars, make it recognizable.. and showing the logo is a big plus for brand recognition as well.

I also have begun the process of submitting my photographs to be licensed, and while doing that, has actually made me photograph even more. Giving myself the assignment of making photographs to submit, and not just trying to find a gem of a photo every time I go out.. which is asking a lot, has been fulfilling. I've come to love photography even more, which his scary.

pretty sure my inner circle thinks I'm out of my mind, and that’s okay with me, as long as my camera is with me.

Amazon affiliate item of the day:


Getting the reps in


This Got Awkward