Free print with no shipping cost

One thing that I feel is important to me and my work, and to truly become perennial, is to also be out of the screen. If you’ve followed my work over he past 13 years you have seen me release prints, zines, books, merch, etc. Even though I have done those things, I haven’t done nearly enough as far as the photographs go, prints and books. I do want my work on walls and books on a table or shelf. I need to work in the direction to make that happen, there are billions of photographs out there, and I know, with the right mindset, distribution, and content. I can start making my work seen in the real world more often, as the last post talked about, instagram is a split second consumption. Refer to the 3 questions from that post. I was thinking, how can I get moving on this? I have prints available already but what if I made getting prints easier, more affordable? Why not free? This may not make sense in the world of the cost of materials, having websites, domains, shops, storage, all cost money to operate. What does make the free aspect sound right is that it is a opportunity to be on more walls, reach more, and potentially new people. In return could create The Lindy effect.

Excited to launch the first completely free print, the 2016 photograph of Alex Drouhard on standard photo paper first edition of 5.

Furthermore I am also offering FREE SHIPPING in my print shop! Each 5x7 print in the print shop is on archival paper and now only $10 total!

USA shipping only at this time


Newsletter with Free Lightroom Preset


Perennial photographer